Thursday, August 29, 2013


Recently, I started following a YouTuber named Blogilates who posts work out videos and healthy cooking tips. She posted a video today about DietBet that I wanted to share with you guys.

The basic idea of it is that it is a rewards program for losing weight. Starting from Sept 3, you have 28 days to lose 4% of your weight (for most of us, it is around 1.5 pounds per week). You have to pay $25 at the beginning of this program, and if you successfully lose 4% of your weight, you get to share the pot with everyone else who successfully passes as well. To put some actually figures in your head, the pot grew to $149,700 the last time Blogilates did this DietBet challenge.

I definitely don't think money should be the main motivator in this challenge. It seems like it is a fun thing that you could do with your friends and all get together to aim for one common goal. How many times have we said we wanted to lose weight without actually doing anything about it? I think earning the money at the end is just a nice bonus on top of reaching your goal.

To help with the challenge, Blogilates will post a calendar with daily exercises we can do. I believe she will also post meal plans (not sure about this though).

Click the link below for more information
Sweatember DietBet

Let me know ASAP if you're interested in joining. The more people we have, the more motivated we'll be to stay on track. Even if you don't want to pay $25, we could still encourage each other during this "Sweatember".

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Neil Hilbor - OCD

Alison, here is the YouTube video that I was telling you about. It is about a man with OCD and his love for a woman. I cried after watching this, it was so beautiful in a sad way.

Neil Hilborn - OCD

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mmm Korean in Calgary

Yum!!!! This is from San Dong restaurant on 37th St SW. I love this place because spicy is actually spicy!!! I forgot to take a pic of the one I usually get (#2 half seafood spicy soup half black bean noodle with pork) This was rice with fried vegetable beef noodle and it comes with the spicy seafood soup all at a joyous price of  10$ something. You also always get pickled radish (I think) with black bean sauce. Go there!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

MBNA credit card deal!

MBNA credit card deal

I just saw on Red Flag Deals that there is a promotion going on for MBNA mastercard. If you apply for it before Aug 31, you can get a $100 gift card plus 5% cash back for 6 months on eligible purchases (AND NO ANNUAL FEES!). Alison uses MBNA and said it's a pretty good credit card.